• 13.09.2024.
  • 21:00
  • 10,00 €
  • Eufrazijeva bazilika

13. 9. 2024. - 10,00 €



Boris Kucharsky (violina / violin)

Johannes Nauber (violončelo / cello)

Terezija Cukrov (klavir / piano)

Gala je u prošlogodišnjoj koncertnoj sezoni uvedena kao posebna večer te je, ispraćena ovacijama, opravdala svoj status. Pijanistici Cukrov, zaduženoj za njegovanje umjetničke kvalitete i standarda Koncerata u Eufrazijani, ove se godine pridružuju renomirani svjetski umjetnici. Kucharsky je prepoznat kao neposredan izvođač dubokog i istančanog osjećaja za glazbu te reputacije jednog od najistaknutijih violinista generacije. Violončelist Nauber ističe se orkestralnim radom – vodio je orkestre, svirao u Berlinskoj filharmoniji te je više od 40 godina član kelnskog orkestra Gürzenich. Ansambl priprema neka od najpoznatijih djela komorne literature, klavirska trija J. Brahmsa i F. Mendelssohna.

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The gala was introduced as a special evening for last year's concert season and the standing ovation that crowned it justified its status. Pianist Cukrov, who is charged with nurturing the artistic quality and upholding the highest standards of the Concerts in Eufrasiana, is being joined this year by renowned world artists. Kucharsky, with his deep and refined sense of music and the reputation of being one of the most outstanding violinists of his generation is renowned for his natural and intimate performances. Cellist Nauber stands out for his orchestral work – he has led orchestras, played in the Berlin Philharmonic and has been a member of the Cologne Gürzenich Orchestra for more than 40 years. The ensemble has prepared some of the most famous works of chamber music – piano trios by J. Brahms and F. Mendelssohn.

Gala večer.jpg



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