
Kazalište / petak, 26.8.2016.

BRUNITUS (Argentina)

Trg slobode
  • 21:00
  • 0 kn

BRUNITUS (Argentina)
25. kolovoz u 19:30h i 21:00h - Trg Slobode
26. kolovoz u 19:30h i 22:30h - Trg Slobode
27. kolovoz u 21:00h i 22:30h - Trg Slobode
Mi živimo priče. Bez priče, nema života, nema vremena. Vrijeme je relativno... u odnosu na njegovu priču.
"Once Upon a Time/Bilo nekoć davno" je bajka iz cirkusa. Predstava za cijelu obitelj, koja nudi putovanje kroz osjećaje.
Diabolos se vrti, zapliće, kao i priče. Brunitus isprepliće priče o svakom gledatelju, nudi poetske i intenzivne prijedloge.

BRUNITUS (Argentina)
August 25th at 19:30h and 21:00h - Trg Slobode
August 26th at 19:30h and 22:30h - Trg Slobode
August 27th at 21:00h and 22:30h - Trg Slobode
We breathe stories. Without stories, there is no life, there is no time. Time is relative... relative to its story.
"Once Upon a Time" is a circus fable. A show for the whole family that offers a journey through feelings.
Diabolos spin, fly and tangled, like the stories. Brunitus mix the stories of each spectator to build a poetic and intense proposal.