
Koncerti / petak, 20.7.2018.

Henschel Quartet

Eufrazijeva bazilika
  • 21:00
  • 50 kn

Christoph Henschel & Catalin Eugen Desaga, violine /violins
Monika Henschel, viola /viola
Matthias Beyer-Karlshoj, violončelo /cello


Članovi ansambla vode svoje slušatelje na glazbeno putovanje kroz najrazličitija raspoloženja te oživljavaju čitavu lepezu glazbenih iskustava, od slatke nježnosti do iznenadnih erupcija.

Dok Beethovenove skladbe razvijaju mozartijansku glavnu temu u živahnom i optimističnom tonu, Schulhoffovi plesni komadi zbunjuju neočekivanim ritmovima te brzinom i uzbudljivošću predstavljaju izazov za izvođače, ali i publiku. Zvukovi četiriju homogena instrumenta dalje se prigušuju i valjaju u senzualnosti u zvučnoj analogiji s prikazima mora i neba Debussyjevih djela.


The ensemble members lead their listeners to a musical journey through the most diverse moods and revive the entire array of musical experiences, from sweet tenderness to sudden eruptions.

While Beethoven's compositions develop Mozart's main theme in a lively and optimistic tone, Schulhoff's dance pieces are confusing in their unexpected rhythms, and with speed and excitement they represent a challenge for both performers and audience. The sounds of the four homogeneous instruments continue to dampen and roll in the sensuality of the sound analogy with the views of the sea and the skies of Debussy's works.